Geeta Desai has devised S.H.A.P.E. Diet which is Scientific, Holistic, Achievable, Personalized and Effective. The unique feature of this diet is that you don’t feel you are doing anything different and so is pursuable and more long lasting.

Her focus of consultancy is :

Customisation - Tailor Made Diets to suit the nutritional requirements, lifestyle & personal needs.

Counselling - Is the main forte which motivates & builds up confidence in achieving goals

Commitment - Long term commitment in making permanent lifestyle changes


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Phone : +912025885666

Thursday, January 1, 2015


With  New  Year  bells  ringing  in  we  are  all  set  to  make  resolutions  for  the   new  year  and  I’m  sure  ‘going  on  a  diet’  would  also  feature  in  the  list. But  then  as  tradition  goes – Resolutions  are  meant  to  be  broken  and  so  would  going  on  a  diet!
There  are  certain  questions  we  need  to  ask  ourselves  before  following any diet  :
Are  we  really   following  the  right  diet ?
Does  it  fit  into  our  routine ?
Is  the  diet  sustainable ?

The  answer  to  this  would  be  YES  only  if  we  change  our  perception  of  DIET.  Instead  of  referring  to  DIET  as  starvation  or  deprivation  or  following  a  rigid  or  crash  diet,  let’s  go  back  to  the  definition  of  the  word  “DIET”, which  in  Latin  means  - a  way  of  life. 

Let’s  look  at  this  word  in  a  different  way  to  make  it  more  enjoyable  as  well  as  adaptable-

D.I.E.T. -

Design : 
A  regimen, whether  it  is  diet  or  exercise which fits in easily into your schedule without you having to take extra efforts to pursue it  . But  remember, not  to  choose  a  programme  just  because  somebody  tells  you  to  or  because  your  friend  is  following  it. What  may  be  right  for  them  may  not  work  for  you.
Work  out  a  goal   and  chalk  out  ways  to  achieve  it.
Make  gradual  changes  in  your  lifestyle
A  professional  nutritionist  would  be  able  to  guide  as  well  as  motivate  you  in  your  endeavour.  

Indulgence :
20 %  and  Diet  80%  is  the  key  to  adhering  to  any  diet  regimen. The  reason  is  that  the  moment  you  deprive  yourself  of  your  favourite  foods  you  either  get  back  to  them  with  a  vengeance  or  overindulge. Adopt  a practical   system  for  food  selection,. Enjoy  eating  a  healthy  mix  of  all  foods, balancing  high-fat  foods  with  low-fat, high  fiber  foods  and  developing  strategies  for  eating  your  favourite  foods  in  moderation.
Eat  everything  you  enjoy  but   in  moderation.
Work  towards  moderation,  balance  and  variety with  food  choices  and  exercise.

Exercise :
Follow  a  sensible  fitness  routine  that  boosts  up  your  metabolism  so  can  burn  more  body  fat,  even  at  rest. Incorporate  more  “natural”  activity  in  your   daily  routine. Rest  your  vehicle  and  walk   to  your  destination, climb  up  stairs ,  avoid  sleeping  immediately  after  a  meal. A  brisk  walk  of  30-45  mins  at least 4-5 days a week is  essential   to  burn   body  fat  stores  and  is  an  activity  which  you  can  pursue  anywhere  and  at  anytime.
Remember  to  choose  activities  you  like  and  are  convenient  to  you.

In  today’s  jet-age, escalating   work  pressures  and  stress  have  become  an  unavoidable  part  and  parcel  of  our  lifestyle. Almost  everyone  encounters  stress, what  is  important  is  how  we  handle  the  stress. Identify  the  cause  of  stress  and  step  by  step  work  out  solutions Think  positive!. Pursuing  hobbies, practicing yoga, listening to music, meditation and  chanting “OM” helps  keep  a  tranquil  mind. Exercise  when  you  feel  stressed  and  observe  a  miraculous  effect  - there’s  a  feeling  of  well-being , thanks  to  the  hormone  serotonin  which  is  released  when  you  exercise. You  surely  will  feel  on  the  top  of  the  world ! 

Where  there’s  a  will  there’s  a  way!

There’s  nothing  impossible  on  this  earth   when  one  has  the  desire  as  well  as  the  determination  to  work  for  it.

Shift  thinking  to  lifestyle  (not  dieting)  and  lifetime (not  quick-fix ).
so,  make  diet  a  habit  &  health  a  lifestyle

Have  a  Happy  &  Healthy  year  ahead !!!

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